Posted: September 16th, 2017

Research Essay

• You are to embark on a critical analysis of a recent global media event of your 

choice. This event should have occurred within the last year (in 2012 to the 

present time). 

• In the course of your analysis, you should address:

a) Define and summarise the chosen global media event 

b) Explain how and why your chosen event constitutes a ‘global media event’

c) Provide a critical review of the media coverage of this event

d) Address how this event impacted upon global media cultures

e) Address how this event contributed to or impacted upon national media 

policies and cultures. • Consider what makes a ‘global media event’. 

• Consider the media events that have potential of being analysed.

i would like to use gangnam style for my essay. i will provide more information later on

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