Posted: September 16th, 2017

Research essay

Research essay

Order Description

Research essay
Value: 50%
Length: 2000 words
The research essay is the major piece of work for the semester. It is intended to demonstrate a detailed and critical understanding of the important aspects of one of the cybercrimes covered in the unit. Students are required to select a research question (listed below), conduct independent research and write a 2000 word analytical essay.
Essay questions:
1. Virtual crimes
Virtual rape is harmless as no physical contact takes place. Do you agree?

Anger and the desire for justice are understandable in the face of an unpunished wrong. Is cyber-vigilantism ever justified?

3.Mass surveillance and invasion of privacy
Edward Snowden has been called a hero, a whistle-blower, a dissident, a traitor and a patriot. Was he justified in his actions? Is it ever justifiable for a country to conduct this level of mass surveillance on its citizens?

Cyber-piracy is a harmless activity and it should not be considered a criminal offence. Do you agree?

select a research question, conduct independent research and write a 2000 word analytical essay.

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