Posted: September 13th, 2017

Research Methods

: Research Methods

Order Description

Working individually, you will either prepare a business report on a new topic of interest to you, OR you will continue working on the topic from Assignment 1.

If you choose the former option, first select a research question. Your tutor will help you with this. It should be related to business and organisational life.

For this assessment, you are expected to collect primary empirical data. Write up your research by using the guidelines given below. You should also look at the marking criteria (see below) to see what is expected from each section of the proposal and the balance between sections. Be aware that most of the marks for this report are awarded for the analysis and conclusions you research.

The content of your report

• Title page (including name of all group members, date of submission, course, title of course work)
• Introduction – this short section should offer rationale for your chosen topic.
• Report topic/question. Aims and objectives – These must be succinct, achievable and coherent.
• Literature review – a short review of the literature which sets out relevant concepts and ideas you plan to utilise in your empirical study. You should include 5 academic sources in this section.
• Methodology/methods – short methodology section focusing primarily on research design. Briefly outline the population, sampling and research methods. Also state your proposed data analysis technique.
• Findings and analysis
• Conclusions

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