Posted: September 17th, 2017

Research Paper


This is step 3 of the 3-step research paper writing process in this course. You have chosen a topic, developed an outline, and identified 5 scholarly sources. The final step in the process is to write an 8–10-page paper (not including the title page, abstract page, or reference page) addressing your chosen topic. This assignment is to be completed adhering strictly to current APA format. You must include the 5 scholarly sources identified in your outline and reference list assignment in your paper, but you may include additional scholarly sources found between the outline and reference list submission and the final paper submission.


Research paper topic:

Building relationships with clients during the Life Coaching process


Building relationships with clients during the Life Coaching process

I. Introduction
A. Background
B. “Coaching requires sharing information and ideas in ways that change behavior and accomplish strategies”(Ulrich, 2008). In other words, a relationship is built through communication in coaching. However, in order for an individual to feel comfortable in sharing personal issues or interest, he or she must feel at ease around the coach and have a large form of trust. Indeed, “Until a relationship of trust is forged, coaching is more rhetoric than results” (Ulrich, 2008).

Thesis Statement:  Building relationships with clients during life coaching is extremely crucial, therefore, coaches should utilize all of their learned skills where, with proper use, they can create trust with use of compassion, feedback, and active listening.

II. The importance of utilizing compassion as a coach
A. How empathy and concern for others can open up the door to trust
1. “The coach should be supportive, non-judgmental, but challenging so that the client has willingness to be open, honest, and vulnerable” (Boyce & Jackson & Neal, 2010).
2. A coach can show acts of kindness and care by taking time out in the beginning of the first session to get to know the client to show them that they are listening and understand the client. Indeed, “A coaching relationship must have as its foundation a feeling of genuine interest and positive regard for the person being coached” (Hicks & McCracken, 2012).
B. Giving beneficial feedback creates strong relationships
1. “Learning to give feedback that helps comes only if the feedback helps the receiver change behavior and accomplish goals” (Ulrich, 2008).
2. Effective feedback focuses on “the future more than the past and helps the person self-discover” (Ulrich, 2008).
III. Overall impact of active listening
A. What it takes to be an active listener
1. A coach should summarize what they have heard once in awhile
2. Ask questions to ensure no information is being left out

-avoid advice giving

-the coach’s goal should only be to gain insight into the client’s goals and interests.

-The coach should listen to identify a course of action from the client




In truth, “Coaches are not measured by what they know, but how they help others change because of what they know and do” (Ulrich, 2008). To be specific, in order for a coach to accomplish the required tasks of him or her in a particular field, they must make use of certain acquired tools and skills. Again, with proper use, a great coach can create trust, and establish a healthy relationship with use of compassion, feedback, and active listening.

References: (Please only use these references)

  • 1) Lisa A. Boyce R. Jeffrey Jackson Laura J. Neal, (2010),”Building successful leadership coaching relationships”, Journal of Management Development, Vol. 29 Iss 10 pp. 914 – 931 Permanent link to this document:


  • 2) Stretching the Coaching Model. Samantha Levine-Finley. Article first published online: 17 JUN 2014. DOI: 10.1002/crq.21097



  • 4) Hicks, R., PhD., & McCracken, J., PhD. (2012). A coaching blueprint.Physician Executive, 38(1), 62-4. Retrieved from


  • 5) McGatha, M. (2008). Levels of engagement in establishing coaching relationships. Teacher Development, 12(2), 139-150. doi: 10.1080/13664530802038147


  • 6) Boyatzis, R, E., Smith, Melvin L., Beveridge, A, J., Journal of Applied Behavioral Science. June 2013 49 no. 2 153-178. November 1, 2012, doi:10.1177/0021886312462236


  • 7) Peter Goff J. Edward Guthrie Ellen Goldring Leonard Bickman , (2014),”Changing principals’ leadership through feedback and coaching”, Journal of Educational Administration, Vol. 52 Iss 5 pp. 682 – 704 Permanent link to this document:



  • 8) Rizza, F. T., & Langer N. (2010). The Gerontologist: Counselor and coach. Educational Gerontology, 36(1), 46-51. Doi: 10.1080/03601270902917836

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