Posted: September 13th, 2017

Research Paper for English 102, Spring, 2014

Research Paper for English 102, Spring, 2014

A.    You have a choice of four different topics for the critical research paper. In general, for each one of the topics, these are the criteria:

1.    You must write at least six pages of text, double-spaced, with citations and the list of Works Cited in addition.
2.    You need to formulate a critical argument, with a strong thesis statement.
3.    You must cite at least two peer reviewed references. These references must be from peer reviewed, scholarly journals.
4.    The format for the paper must be in the MLA style for everything.
5.    Be sure to use proper citations for articles and books and do not think about plagiarizing. Provide the proper sources for all citations and provide a Works City page.
6.    Organize your critical argument around a strong thesis statement.
7.    This will be submitted via attachment and will be due at 11:55 p.m. June 1, 2014 via the Etudes website by going to the “Assignments, Tests and Surveys” in the left menu on Etudes.

B.    Here are the potential topics; you will need to choose one of these topics only and write the six pages of the research paper about such a topic:

1.    Write a critical analysis about the speaker in a number of different poems by Emily Dickinson, including the personality, the characteristic themes and other issues. See the details in the textbook, pp. 756-770. You might explore the meanings of the term, persona,” for example. You might develop your ideas about the peculiar voice in her poems.
2.    Write a critical analysis about how Robert Frost uses metaphor in some of his poems. For Frost, what does metaphor mean and how can the reader understand his poems through the figure of metaphors. See the details in the textbook, pp. 770-784. In general, what does metaphor mean and why is it important? Is the use of metaphor noteworthy in the poetry of Frost and what does this mean anyway?
3.    Write a critical analysis about what “identity” means in the poems of Langston Hughes. See the details in the book, pp. 784-797. Consider what it means for Hughes to explore and write about issues of being an African-American male in the culture of his times.
4.    Write a critical analysis about what it means in the poetry of Sylvia Plath to be a “confessional” poet. See the details in the book, pp. 797-814. What does the term, confessional poet mean and how does it apply to Plath’s poetry.


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