Posted: March 4th, 2014

This research paper will examine the flaws of racial bias in sentencing with race being a vital factor in determining execution in the United Sates.

History has valued itself to be a basis of present day occurrence. Capital punishment has followed this approach and till this day, is the most severe and controversial form of sentencing. As death is unsalvageable, courts have established standards to accurately impose these capital sentences. Several countries have retired the death penalty because it is believed to be inhumane as the United States continues with its long tradition but with several flaws.  This research paper will examine the flaws of racial bias in sentencing with race being a vital factor in determining execution in the United Sates.
Through out the years, many studies have evolved and exposed the inconsistency from the nations legal system since the 1960’s. One example; A black person was seven times more likely to receive the death penalty for an aggravated murder of a white person than a black person who killed another black person in1973-1977.  In Texas, after viewing 190 executions, a reporter stated, “Those who were electrocuted were the blacks, Mexican-Americans, the poor whites and whites out of favor in their communities for one reason or another, nothing to do with criminal allegations for which they died,” (Urbina, 2004, p. 249).


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