Posted: September 13th, 2017

Research Report

Research Report

Order Description

You are a consultant who has been engaged by a company to assist it in the development and implementation of a risk management strategy with the aim of reducing the risk to the company of any criminal liability and reputational damage arising from fraud, corruption and other inappropriate activities that could arise in its procurement activities and relations with suppliers. Your report should explain the principles of sound risk management, with a particular focus on identifying and preventing activities of this sort, and discuss the challenges of introducing a successful risk management strategy in the company. Your report should be based on your own, independent research and critical analysis, refer to appropriate academic literature, including journal articles, and be supported with real life examples.

Note: the focus should be on the Purchasing Department to identify the risks and to manage and mitigate them.

Details of Marking Criteria for Research Report are shown below:

Critical Analysis (60%)
Understanding of key concepts and theories
Critical and independent analysis of the key arguments and concepts in the reference material you cite
Understanding of the relationship between the important aspects of the topic
Well developed argument demonstrating a sound understanding of the topic

Research Depth (30%)
Adequate number of references used
Relevance of references cited
Correct and adequate citation using the Harvard system of referencing

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