Posted: November 17th, 2014

Results with the Employee Portfolio and Summary.

Results with the Employee Portfolio and Summary.

Project description
will upload instructions. I will upload the surveys. 3 people took 6 surveys and I label each surveys each person took with number and the letter A to C represent the different person that took the the survey so A person took 6 surveys and B and C too 6 surveys.
You are a manager of three employees at Riordan Manufacturing. You recently had these employees take a series of self-assessments to aid you in managing them. Now that you have these assessments, you are now tasked with creating an Employee Portfolio for each of the employees to help guide you in developing ways to best manage them.

Resources: Results of Self-Assessments, University of Phoenix Material: Employee Portfolio Management Plan
Complete the Employee Portfolio: Management Plan found on your student website for each of the three employees.

Write a 350- to 700-word paper (in APA, including a title page, introduction, conclusion, and references). Include the following in your paper:
Create a chart (in MS Excel) that summarizes the three employees’ Self Assessments – copy and paste this into your paper.
In your paper, describe howthese three employees’ characteristics affect the performance of the organization?
In your paper, recommend specific management methods to be used for each of the three employees
In your paper, provide your recommendations for additional assessments which may be used for these three employees.

Submit the Self-Assessment Results with the Employee Portfolio and Summary.

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines. Provide at least three research citations for your paper.


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