Posted: September 13th, 2017

Review Essay on William Graebner's Coming of the Age in Buffalo and Elaine Tyler May's Homeward Bound

Review Essay on William Graebner’s Coming of the Age in Buffalo and Elaine Tyler May’s Homeward Bound

Order Description

Main question to think about is: what do we learn about the period of the 1950s by reading both books that we wouldn’t learn by reading only one of them?

DO not use a Tltle page. Just top of page type title which is merely bibliographic entries for the two books. use same font as on paper which is 12-point times new roman. Then double space and start paper.
Go ahead and compare and contrast, buy primarily how the books complement one another.
Paper is Double spaced
all one inch margins (do not justify right hand margin)
Only sources needed are the 2 books.

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