Posted: September 23rd, 2015

Rio de Janeiro 2016 Olympics

1. Develop a stakeholder analysis for the Rio de Janeiro 2016 Olympics. Identify as many stakeholders as you can and list stakeholders (internal & external) by name and title where possible. Then prioritize the listed stakeholders as in exhibit 5.4. Be very specific regarding what each stakeholder is interested in. Recognize some stakeholders may have an interest in multiple aspects of the project process or results. Create a Stakeholder Matrix (register) like exhibit 5.6.
2. Describe the activities you are using to build relationships both within your core team and with other stakeholders. Create a project decision-making guide for your project like Exhibit 5.7. List specific examples of decisions to the extent you can.
3. Create a stakeholder engagement assessment matrix like Exhibit 5.8.
4. Develop a communications matrix for your project like Exhibit 5.11. Be sure to use considerations in Exhibit 5.10 for ideas regarding purpose, structure, method, and timing for each communication need.
5. Document a project meeting with an advance agenda, meeting minutes, issues log, and Plus Delta form of evaluation like Exhibits 5.12 through 5.14.


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