Posted: September 13th, 2017

Risk and Investment Management

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Questions Asked & Answers Given


Could you clarify whether we should be analysing  the performance of the portfolio over this 2 year period

This is not a “typo” the inception date of all the Portfolios is  01/01/ 2013.You should analyse the  portfolio performance over the full period of 01/01/2013 to your chosen cut-off date.


After setting up my portfolio (portfolio E, hedge fund) in bloomberg an ‘issue’ has appeared for TUI Travel (TT). After looking further into this I discovered TUI Travel (TT) has merged TUI AG to become TUI Group.

Should I use the epic code TUI, rather than TT?

….. this is one of the “real time ” issues of managing a portfolio.

Find out if the shares themselves have been affected and manage this appropriately within your portfolio.( eg  have the shares changed in any way, or do they continue the same with an amended name )


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