Posted: February 18th, 2015

Risk Management

Risk Management

Project description
the Risk Management Template. Working with the RFP you have selected and this template create a risk matrix and management plan for your project.
The Risk Management Template is filled out so you can see the level of detail needed. This template must be tailored to your specific project and presented as if you

are giving this to your client, which means uniform font, color, graphics and a professional look.
The document should include a title page, verbiage on why risk management is important to your selected project and how it relates to the project (two to three

paragraphs), the modified risk table, and a conclusion.
Each risk must be scored, and mitigation plans must be outlined in detail. Each risk must be ranked, and therefore, the highest risk items should be on top: red,

yellow, green in order.
Listing at least 10-15 risks is appropriate

Silver Fiddle Company Risk Matrix

Risk Description    Probability    Impact    Factor    Owner    Mitigation

SFC is scheduled to complete 11 other homes in the area. This puts the project schedule at risk    3    3    9    SFC    Disclose this risk to all clients and

work out a realistic schedule with each one.
Two employees at SFC to complete 12 projects are not enough. Risk for mistakes and unhappy clients    2    3    6    SFC    Hire additional resources for

the booming house market
Labor shortage due to booming construction market in Grand Junction    2    2    4    SFC    Hire contractors on contingency and set up a priority agreement

with them.
Material shortage due to booming construction market in Grand Junction     2    2    4    SFC    Negotiate material cost ahead of time for all 12 projects.
If there is an injury on the job site, who is responsible for medical payments and short/long term disability? Does SFC have enough insurance to cover such an

instance? Should the Czopek’s purchase additional liability insurance?    1    2    2    SFC/Czopek’s    SFC has adequate insurance. The contractors are

required to cover their own employees. The risk of a personal litigation reaching the Czopeks is very minimal since they have not closed on the house.
If SFC defaults or goes out of business and the contractors were not paid, are the Czopek’s legally liable to pay the contractors even though they paid SFC?    1

3    3    Czopek’s     The Czopek’s sign lien waivers to protect themselves from litigation.
With a glut of housing, the city may be over flooded with permit requests, depending on their process, permits may not be approved by the schedule date of July 5th,

which will push back dates on the rest of the project. Permits can average anywhere from 2-6 weeks.    3    2    6    SFC    The city is unlikely to change

their process, build enough time in the schedule to allow for this risk.
With a possible delayed schedule, the Czopeks may have to stay in their temporary housing longer. There is a risk they could be legally and physically “homeless” for a

period of time.    2    3    6    Czopek’s     Work out a week by week (or monthly) rental plan with the landlord of current housing
Contractors SFC hires may prove to be unreliable or not show up when scheduled.    1    2    2    SFC    SFC has had the same contractors for all of their

projects and has set up priority with them. If there is a default, there are back up contractors
Since housing is booming, this can result in a price increase in materials and labor, which will most likely raise the total house cost the Czopek’s budgeted for.

2    3    6    Czopek’s     This is a risk that will occur, SFC can negotiate all materials up front at a lower price for all 12 projects
Inclement weather preventing foundation from being poured or curing properly – causing schedule delay    1    2    2    SFC    Accept risk, there is no

control over weather. Plan extra time into schedule
If the house does not pass interim and final inspections are there steps to bring the house up to code in a timely fashion?    1    1    1    SFC    SFC has

processes in place. Past quality work, so not too many issues with this.
If there is a price increase in labor and materials, are the Czopeks prepared to finance a larger amount or scale down their requirements?    2    3    6

Czopek’s     Work with the finance company to pre-approve a larger amount than may be needed, or scale down requirements to fit within budget.


1 = Low likelyhood of occurance
2 = Medium likelihood of occurance
3 = High Likelyhood of occuring

1 = Not severe, very tolerable risk
2 = Moderate impact that can be remedied
3 = Severe can make a grade impact

Factor Table
Probability     1    2    3
1    1    2    3
2    2    4    6
3    3    6    9

1 – 3 Factor is considered in the Green Range and acceptable
4 – 5 Factor is considered in the Yellow Range and mitigation plan should be in place
6+ Factor is Severe and risk should be escalated.

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City of Gig Harbor
Lodging Tax Advisory Committee
Request for Proposal
Activities To Increase Tourism In Gig Harbor
The Gig Harbor Lodging Tax Advisory Committee (LTAC) was established by the Gig Harbor City
Council in accordance with state law to advise and recommend to the County and Mayor how excise
taxes on lodging collected in Gig Harbor should be allocated in order to best increase tourism in the
The purpose of this Request For Proposal (RFP) by the LTAC is to solicit proposals from those
agencies and groups actively engaged in the promotion and enhancement of tourism in the City of Gig
Harbor to enhance and increase tourism in the city during calendar year 2000.
Project Description:
Activities which will be considered eligible for assistance include, but are not limited to, those that:
increase tourism by advertising, publicizing and distributing information for the purpose of attracting
and welcoming tourists; develop strategies to expand tourism; operate tourism promotion agencies;
construct tourism-related facilities, and fund and market events and festivals designed to attract
The expected outcome of such activity is to increase economic activity in the City of Gig Harbor during
the year 2000 through overnight lodging of tourists (“heads in beds”), providing meals, the sale of gifts,
souvenirs and other items, and construction of tourism-related facilities.
Each application is to develop and outline one project, which meets these requirements and provides
an economic benefit to the City of Gig Harbor. The specific amount of the applicant’s proposal is open,
to be defined by the applicant. As a recommendation, the applicant may wish to define alternate levels
of funding, indicating as their first priority the maximum amount desired and, as a second priority, the
minimum acceptable amount. Some definition of the differences in the level of services to be provided
under the two priorities should be included. The establishment of alternate funding levels will allow the
LTAC some latitude in approving projects without the necessity of rejecting one or more projects due to
a potential lack of funds.
Specific questions are included in the attached response form to assist the applicant in delineating
those matters which are of concern to the LTAC and which will be part of the selection criteria.
Each project should be submitted as a separate document, thereby allowing for clear understanding of
each project.
Schedule of RFP Events:
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Following is the proposed schedule for the RFP (Note: specific dates may be adjusted to meet
unexpected circumstances):
Publicize RFP September 22 & 29, 1999
RFP package available for pickup September 22, 1999
RFP response to be submitted October 11, 1999
Committee review applications October 20, 1999
Notification issued to Administrator/Council October 25, 1999
Council budget hearings November, 1999
Budget approved November, 1999
Contract issued January, 2000
Work to be completed by December 31, 2000
Project Management:
The City of Gig Harbor Finance Office will issue contract for approved projects, pay bills and reimburse
expenses, monitor contract compliance, and inform the LTAC of progress in implementing projects.
The Finance Director will also act as coordinator of the RFP process, issuing and receiving the RFP,
responding to applicant questions, and notifying applicants as appropriate. The City of Gig Harbor will
request a summation of return on investments for allocated funds.
Selection Process:
Each application will be reviewed by the LTAC for eligible activities, the effectiveness of its proposed
project in meeting the expected outcomes, need, and funding requirements. Upon completion of its
review of the written application the LTAC may request some, all or none of the applicants to make an
oral presentation to them in order for them to more fully understand the proposed project. The
attached scoring form (page 8) will be used as a guide in assisting LTAC members in their evaluation
of the individual proposals. However, regardless of the methods employed by LTAC, their
recommendation will not be subject to review or challenge by the applicant. All applicants will be
notified of the LTAC’s recommendation to the Mayor and Council. Those recommendations may be
adopted or amended by the Mayor/Council without further notice.
Other Information:
Insurance: As part of its contract for performance, the city requires contractors to maintain liability
insurance in the amount of $1,000,000 and name the city as an additional insured on its liability
insurance policy.
Contract: The city will utilize its standard contract for city-funded activities.
Payment: Normally, payment is provided once per month as a reimbursement of expenses.
Equal Opportunity: The city requires each contractor to provide equal opportunities for women and
minorities as employees, applicants for employment, and as clients/customers. No unlawful
discrimination is allowed.
Legibility and Additional Materials: The LTAC will accept no more than two (2) additional pages of
materials in addition to the RFP Proposal Response pages attached. Any additional materials will
be disregarded. All information provided should be legible and typed in a 10 or 12 point type.
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Performance: Future allocations of Lodging Tax funds to agencies that have received funds
previously will be subject to an evaluation of past performance.
Proposal Submittal:
Please deliver one (1) copy of the proposal response (Pages 4 through 7 of this RFP) any
additional attachments (not to exceed two single pages) to:
David Rodenbach, Finance Director
City of Gig Harbor
3105 Judson Street
Gig Harbor, WA 98335
NO LATER THAN 5 PM, Monday, October 11, 1999.
NOTE: Proposals received after that time, even if mailed earlier, will NOT be accepted.
For Your Information: City Hall is located at 3015 Judson Street, across the street from the Post
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(No more than two (2) additional pages of materials will be accepted)
1. Name and Address of Applicant (Organization):
Agency Tax ID Number: Form of Organization (Non-profit, etc):
2. Contact Person:
Name: Phone:
Fax: E-mail:
3. Description of Activity:
Will there be an admission charge for this activity?: Yes No If so, how much?
4. Proposed Funding:
Can you operate this project with reduced funding? Yes No If yes, list priorities below.
Priority 1 – full funding:$ Priority 2 – partial funding (no less than) $
See attached budget page.
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5. Continuing/New Activity:
Is this a new or continuing activity? If continuing, last year City funding was
received . Do you expect it to be an annual activity, requiring regular and continued
funding? Yes No
6. Benefit to City Tourism:
Describe how this activity attracts, serves and facilitates overnight tourism in the City of Gig Harbor?
For example: Does it lodge or feed tourists; promote tourism; provide for the sale of gifts, souvenirs or
other items, or provide programs/entertainment for tourism? If so, how? Does it provide some other
short or long range economic benefit? Will a tourist facility be constructed? Thoroughly define and
quantify the expected results of the activity described in paragraph 3, above:
7. Time Frame:
What is your anticipated time frame for accomplishing this project? It is a seasonal activity appropriate
to its location? If an outdoor activity, are there any weather related constraints?
8. Additional Information:
Provide any additional information which will assist the LTAC in evaluating your project and its benefit
to the City of Gig Harbor.
Page 6 of 8
(For this proposal only. Not for entire agency)
If you are anticipating receiving partial funding for this activity from another source, please list the
source, approximate amount, and status of funding. Are you seeking hotel/motel taxes from other
Amount: Source:
Projected or
(If projected, date funds are
$ $
$ $
$ $
$ $
$ $
Total Income: $
What percentage of your project budget does your request for city funds represent? %
City of Gig Harbor
Funds Other Funds Total
Personnel: (salaries & benefits) $ $ $
Administration: (office expenses including
copies, rent, janitor, utilities, phone, taxes office
supplies, etc)
$ $ $
Marketing/Promotion: $ $ $
Travel: $ $ $
Consultants: (specify below) $ $ $
Construction: $ $ $
Other Activities: (specify below) $ $ $
Priority 1 (full) funding: $ Priority 2 (partial) funding $
Page 7 of 8
Describe any budget items unspecified above and explain the differences in the amount
listed as funding priorities 1 and 2:
The applicant here certifies and affirms; 1. That it does not now, nor will it during the
performance of any contract arising from this application, unlawfully discriminate against
any employee, applicant for employment, client, customer, or other person who might
benefit from said contract, by reason of age, race, color, ethnicity, sex, religion, creed,
place of birth, or degree of handicap; 2. That it will abide by all relevant local, state and
federal laws and regulations and 3. That it has read the information contained in pages 1, 2
and 3 and understand and will comply with all provisions thereof.
Certified By: (signature)
(print or type name)
Page 8 of 8
Applicant Name:
Project Description:
A: Is the application complete and address all pertinent issues? (If the answer is
no, the application will not be considered.) Yes No
B. Application Review:
Score each application based on its responses to the specific questions set forth in the
application. Circle the appropriate score and total the score at the bottom.
1. Does the project serve City needs?
0 4
No Yes
2. Will the project attract, serve and facilitate overnight tourists?
0 1 2 3 4
No Minimally Average Good Excellent
3. Proposed use of funds is cost effective?
0 1 2 3 4
No Minimally Average Good Excellent
4. Does the proposal provide for adequate evaluation?
0 4
Not Measurable Measurable
5. Proposal demonstrates benefit to tourism?
0 1 2 3 4
No Benefit Some Benefit Average Good High Benefit
6. Proposal is clear and specific?
0 1 2 3 4
Not Clear Somewhat Clear Clear Very Clear Highly Clear
7. Activities are likely to be accomplished within the year?
0 4
No Yes
Total Score:
Are there any questions or recommendations you have for this applicant?


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