Posted: September 13th, 2017

Risk Management Plan for a Web Application

Paper, Order, or Assignment Requirements



Risk Management Plan Specification


Part 1 – Risk Process

1-1. In your own words, explain what the Risk Management Process is in the context of a project. What is the role of the Risk Management Process in this project? What are the benefits? (about ONE (1) page).

Part 2 – Context Establishment

2-1. Write a ‘Context Establishment’ section in which you describe the scope of your risk management exercise. What aspects of the Hot Wok business process and ecommerce web site project will be covered? Justify in about ONE (1) page.


Part 3 – Risk Identification

3-1. Identify as many sources of risks as possible. Describe the sources of risk in this section. Why are they relevant? Which sources of risks are likely to be significant in this project? (about ONE (1) page).


3-2. For each source of risk, identify as many risks as possible. Ensure these risks are written in simple, precise and succinct jargon-free language for Jason to understand.


Part 4 – Risk Assessment: Qualitative Estimation of Probability & Impact

4-1 In about ONE (1) page, explain how you plan to estimate probability and impact. What frequency scale will you use? What kinds of impacts might there be in this project? What weighting will you assign each kind of impact? For each risk identified in 3-2, speculate on the probability and impact using a qualitative system (e.g. Low, Medium, High).


4-2. In about ONE (1) page, justify your reasoning behind the relative probabilities and impacts assigned to the top TEN risks as ranked in Part 6.

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