Posted: November 4th, 2016

What role did the Holocaust play in the United Nation s decision to create the state of Israel?

1. Why did Great Britain s attempts to solve the Palestine Israel conflict fail?
2. What role did the Holocaust play in the United Nation s decision to create the state of Israel?
3. After several military clashes between Israel and Egypt, Anwar Sadat became President of Egypt and eventually reversed his position regarding war with Israel. What steps did he take?
4. Explain the results of the Camp David Accords. (Talk)
5. In the early 1980 s why were United States Marines in Lebanon?
6. Return to Chapter 15. Explain the root of the conflict over the establishment of Israel. 7. Discuss the major issues found in the Oslo Agreement.
8. Although we have focused on the Israel Palestine question, do you see additional problems for Israel? What and why?

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