Posted: September 21st, 2015

Role in gender in comparing ”Connie and Dave”

Write an essay that compares the main characters in “where are you going, where have you been?” Joyce Carol Oates and “The Man Who Was Almost a Man” by Richard Wright.

In your writing, consider how Connie and Dave are similar (common fears, desires, struggles, triumphs, etc ) Consider the ways in which symbols function as insights into their lives.

When looking at the symbolism, what common behavioral patterns do you notice between the characters?

How are their environments alike, and how does environment effect or mold their personalities? How do both characters grow or change as a result of environment?

Lastly, what role might gender (femininity/masculinity) play when comparing Connie and Dave? That is, how do both characters handle being forced to conform to their respective gender( as a female, as male)?
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