Posted: September 13th, 2017

Samsung Strategic Plan Paper

Samsung Strategic Plan Paper

read 2 examples for the writer to understand what needs to be done.
In this paper you will develop a new strategic plan for Samsung Company (Read Attachments). You should follow the instructor’s guides to develop this strategic plan, and the strategic plan should be new for them and from your thoughts, create a new one for them and be creative please.


This is the guides from the instructor for the strategic plan that you should follow in this paper:

1. Cover Page
2. Executive Summary
3. Strategic Planning methodology/process

• What is the approach that you are going to utilize?
• Describe the strategy and how you will implement it.
• In other words, how are you going to conduct a strategic planning effort in the organization?

4. Internal Analysis and External Environment Assessment

Answer the following questions:
• What are the industry’s dominant economic features?
• What kinds of competitive forces are industry members facing, and how strong is each force?
• What forces are driving changes in the industry, and what impact will these changes have on competitive intensity and industry profitability?
• What market positions do industry rivals occupy – who is strongly positioned and who is not?
• What strategic moves are rivals likely to make next?
• What are the key factors for future competitive success?
• Does the outlook for the industry present the organization with sufficiently attractive prospects for profitability?

5. Resources and Competitive Position

• How well is the present strategy working?
• What are the organization’s resource strengths and weaknesses, and its external opportunities and threats?
• Are the organization’s prices and costs competitive?
• Is the organization competitively stronger or weaker than key rivals?
• What strategic issues and problems merit front-burner administrative attention?

6. Strategy Formulation (Porter’s Five Generic Strategies)

• Low-cost strategy
• Best-value strategy
• Differentiation
• Focused (market niche)based on low costs
• Focused (market niche)based on best value
You should choose one of these strategies for your strategic plan.

Identify any additional, supplemental strategies that you will utilize.

7. Implementation and Evaluation 2-3 pages (how you are going to implement it and evaluate it)

8. References

9. Appendices (if any)


Some major requirements for the strategy plan in this paper:

1- The approaches of strategies that you are going to utilize and that mentioned in the textbook as the following: (You will choose one as your strategy plan approach in this paper)
• Forward Integration
• Backward Integration
• Horizontal Integration
• Market Penetration
• Market Development
• Product Development
• Related Diversification
• Unrelated Diversification
• Retrenchment
• Divestiture
• Liquidation

2- After you select one approach for the strategy, you must select one formulation as your strategy formulation that is mentioned in NUMBER 6. (Should be related to your strategy plan approach)

3- Provide in the paper a new mission and vision statements for your strategy plan

4- Don’t forget to clarify who involves in this strategy plan in the organization

5- Clarify what will be your plan

6- You must develop a SWOT analysis (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats) and provide it as a part of your strategic plan

7- Your strategy plan not necessary to be about the whole organization, and it can be about specific department inside the organization such as Marketing, HR, Sales …etc. it’s based on your strategy.

Paper structure guide:
• APA style
• Should be new strategy for the organization from your thoughts.
• No need for outside references, only use their website and you will find all the information you need, and don’t forget to cite it.
• Use their website as the only reference in this paper.
• Be creative in developing the strategy.
• Watch for the grammar mistakes.

1- Two Samples for a strategic plan. Please take a look for it to give you a clear view and idea about strategic plan structure and it will help you to develop the paper.

2- My topic for the strategic plan, the paragraph that already approved by instructor to make this paper. Please take a look for it to know what is my point of view about this paper.

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