Posted: February 3rd, 2015

Santa Ana, California–NYTimesarticle

Santa Ana, California–NYTimesarticle:,%20New%20Faces&st=cse&

“Psychogeography”/Guy Debord/Hollywood

SB County Health–April 2012

Lancaster: solar capital wannabe from NYTimes

1. Just because something is in print does not make it relevant or true.
2. Books are expensive to publish and undergo closer scrutiny than most forms, which makes them more reliable than internet sources.
3. Internet sources should be evaluated based on a) author’s level of expertise and if it is stated, b) if not author, is there a reputable sponsoring organization–if not, not reliable source, c) how current is the source, when last updated? d) .edu and .gov sources most reliable; .org sources may be biased; .com & .net sources too commercial for scholarly research, e)What is the context of the site, its goals (to sell, to seek donations, to persuade)
4. For all sources, look for quality control, i.e. spelling, grammar, functional links of web
5. Does the source provide evidence for its assertions?
6. Is the source a known or respected authority?
7. Is the source detailed, providing full paragraphs?
8. Does the source present a fair, balanced, objective view? Does the source have a slanted tone?
9. Does the source provide sources of ITS information, as a works cited?
10. Does the source list any sponsors?

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