Posted: September 13th, 2017

Scheduling SRT

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Project 3: Scheduling

NOTE: the example functions are given in C/C++

In this project you will write a short-term scheduler and observe its properties. It will

work as follows:

  1. The scheduler will run in a single process, with simulated jobs.
  2. You will implement a scheduler of SRT.
  3. SRT will use burst time.
  4. The program will take three arguments, a random seed, the name of the algorithm to

use, and the length of time to run (in milliseconds).

  1. You will simulate the clock interrupt with an alarm signal handler and setitimer(). See

the example in the code (see below).

  1. All I/O requests will be handled in 40 milliseconds. That is, when a job is blocked and

removed from the ready queue, it can be added back at the next opportunity if 40

milliseconds have expired. You do not need to schedule a timer to simulate the

I/O interrupt, just handle it when you do the clock interrupt. This way, all events

happen in the alarm handler and you can deal with them in one place.

  1. When a job completes, you will print out the following information:
  2. a) Arrival time
  3. b) Completion time
  4. c) Service time
  5. d) Turnaround time
  6. e) Normalized turnaround time

Source code is in the Blackboard project folder. job.c generates new jobs for you, and

sim.c shows main

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