Posted: December 5th, 2014

searching for a lost mother in of one blood by pauline Hopkins

searching for a lost mother in of one blood by pauline Hopkins

Order Description

the essay should argue some points in Hopkins novel Of One Blood. first,The essay should discuss how Hopkins’ novel depicts “the restoration of the mother as a means of personal and national redemption”.
second, You should argue how Hopkins shows African American as a motherless community and by restoration of the motherland (Africa) they will find their loss.The search for a lost mother (Africa) thus intensifies with every step that Briggs takes in his treasure quest. also how Hopkins then draws the attention of the readers to the fact that Africa is the cradle for all mankind and continues to draw worldly curiosity. last point is the fact that Africa has, for a long time, been held as everyone’s responsibility. It thus necessitated the world to take her civilization and religions such as Christianity. in other words( How the novel talked about religion and civilization) you should write half of the essay about religion and civilization in the novel. please DO NOT talk about general ideas, you have to focus on the novel itself and how Hopkins talked about these points. i will send you one article to use it in this paper it will help you to build the argument. also i will give you names of three articlesbooks which you should use in this paper to support your claim. please include QOUTES from the novel to make the argument clear and coherent.

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The Motherless Child in Pauline Hopkins’s Of One Blood Author(s): JILL A. BERGMAN Source: Legacy, Vol. 25, No. 2, Selected Papers from the 2006 Conference of the Society for the Study of American Women Writers (2008), pp. 286-298 Published by: University of Nebraska Press Stable URL: http://wwwjstonorg/stable/25679661  Accessed: 01/11/2014 16:49
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