Posted: September 13th, 2017

Secondary / primary research

Secondary / primary research

Order Description

We would like to add the following to our research paper :
Guidelines for market research

Secondary research
· To research about the brand, the organization that markets the brand, the marketing environment, the market and the market segments in the UAE from information that is publicly available.
· Use credible sources of information and, where possible, use the databases available on the HCT library website.

Primary research
· To research about the market and the market segments in the UAE from information that is not publicly available.
· Prepare a survey questionnaire to determine: (1) customers’ current needs and wants, (2) potential changes to customers’ needs and wants, (3)existing market segments, (4) potential changes to existing segments, (5) potential new segments, (6) customer psychographics, (7) customers’ buying behavior
· Conduct the survey on arepresentative sample of appropriate size.
. Add questionnaire goals
– add recommendation based on your finding from the questionnaire
– generate 2 survey results relevant to our outcome and analyze using graphs from the survey.

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