Posted: April 2nd, 2021

Secondary Research for Potential Client

Essay #4: Secondary Research for Potential ClientsYour final writing assignment involves doing some secondary research for your prospective client. Select one of the clients from the list of RFPs from essay #3(I chose the MTA transit advertising). so basically advertising for public transportation. Make some educated guesses: What are the audiences this client is trying to reach? What are the “Taste Preferences” of these audiences? What can you tell your prospective client about these audiences that they don’t already know? What sets your pitch-research apart from others? Be creative! Look deeper! Ask questions! ·     Using any library’s facilities or the Web as your search vehicles, find ten sources that would give you secondary information on consumer taste preferences. (approx 40-60 words)o  Make sure that you give complete web citations:¨   Give the Name of the Source and Background Information¨   Give an HTML link and (date accessed: 09/29/2019)o  Describe the type of secondary information and how it would apply to your potential client’s audience(s) (approx 40-60 words)·     You can limit the extent of your secondary research by designating the the taste preference (e.g. accessories, charitable giving, etc), or you can generalize your research.o  Write the Segmenting you are considering for your potential client’s audiences. (approx 80-120 words)¨   Describe the demographic segment(s) for your potential audience¨   Describe the psychographic segment(s) for your potential audienceo  Write the Targeting you are considering for your potential client’s audiences. (approx 80-120 words)¨   How is this target measurable?¨   What is their ‘Buying Power” and how will the be attracted?o  Write the Positioning you are considering for your potential client’s audiences. (approx 80-120 words)¨   How can you change the perception of the ‘Brand’ in the market?·     Briefly describe what you learned about researching secondary data sources in this exercise. (approx 40-60 words)o  Which sources are up-to-date? Which sources are reliable, which are valid?o  Which sources will give your pitch a competitive advantage? Why? Answer all of the questions in a single typed essay between 400 and 1,100 words. Copy-and-Paste or upload your assignment to the UDC Blackboard site. Be ready to discuss your findings and potential target audiences in class.

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