Posted: September 13th, 2017

Section Two – A Contemporary Issue explained through Social Psychology;Using appropriate theories and research explore your chosen contemporary issue / concern

Section Two – A Contemporary Issue explained through Social Psychology;Using appropriate theories and research explore your chosen contemporary issue / concern

Applied Social Psychology

Learning Outcomes
On satisfactory completion of this assessment students are expected to have provided evidence of the following:
•    Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the origins and nature of social psychological questions, theories and perspectives.
•    Discuss the origins and triggers of the ‘crisis’ in social psychology that is said to have occurred in the late 1960s from historical, social and academic perspectives.
•    Further discuss the nature of the ‘crisis’ and its ‘resolution’, incorporating salient theories, perspectives and personalities.
•    Discuss whether the term ‘crisis’ is an appropriate description of events in social psychology in the late 1960s.
•    Apply comparative and evaluative skills to key concepts, approaches and practices in Experimental Social Psychology and Critical Social Psychology.
•    Identify and discuss theoretical and methodological developments and applications of contemporary social psychology in general and European Social Psychology in particular.

Assessment Brief

Section Two – A Contemporary Issue explained through Social Psychology (Approx. 4000 words) – Deadline 11/05/14
Using appropriate theories and research explore your chosen contemporary issue / concern. You will need to pay particular attention to the methodological approach adopted within research conducted and the application of the research to the chosen contemporary issue. Within this section you will need to apply academic theories of Social Psychology such as Social Influences, Prosocial Behaviour, Self and Social Identity Theory, Attitudes and Attributions to the explanation of your contemporary issue.

Knowledge and Understanding
Cognitive Skills

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