Posted: September 13th, 2017

security dilemma The purpose of theory is to offer an understanding of a complex world and the various interactions that take place within this environment. It is a theory that allows us to think systematically. Fitting events into theory and using theory to explain and predict events are what separate the study of political science from a study of current events. Is the security dilemma too vague to be considered as theoretical tool for understanding international relations? Explain with regards to Tang’s attempt towards a more rigorous definition and why such an attempt has important implications for how IR theory approaches this construct.

security dilemma

The purpose of theory is to offer an understanding of a complex world and the various interactions that take place within this environment. It is a theory that allows us to think systematically. Fitting events into theory and using theory to explain and predict events are what separate the study of political science from a study of current events.

Is the security dilemma too vague to be considered as theoretical tool for understanding international relations? Explain with regards to Tang’s attempt towards a more rigorous definition and why such an attempt has important implications for how IR theory approaches this construct.

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