Posted: February 7th, 2021

Self Portrait in the form of a photograph, drawing or poetic narrative.

Create an environment and arrange your symbols or objects in it. Chose your dress, hairstyle, and “pose” or set up in a frame that tells the story of who you are and your social location. – Finalize your arrangement – Draw or Take a photograph of the composition/ or Write a draft poem. Re/write/edit – With reference to the readings and lectures, write a short statement about the narrative choices you have made, the materials and images you have chosen, the intention behind your work and the ideas that inspire and structure your work. (2 double spaced pages maximum). – Hand this in with the artwork or poem clipped to the paper Grade: The grade for this assignment will be broken down as follows: 1. Content (Artwork – use of colour, shape, line,) 4 2. Analysis and Reflection 4 (statement of purpose) 3. Organization and display of image and other material, Spelling and grammar, Bibliography. 2

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