Posted: April 16th, 2015

Seminar 5 – Activity: Enterprise Skills Audi

Seminar 5 – Activity: Enterprise Skills Audit



During the module you will be given the opportunity to develop and reflect upon your enterprise skills. The Group Assignment provides the ‘experiential’ environment where you can test and develop these. You will be encouraged to reflect on your skills development as part of the Individual Assignment and use a completed skills audit to help focus your reflection.



The purpose of an audit is to help you identify a level at which you currently display a specific skill or attribute. Completing an audit helps identify a benchmark and provides a starting point for planning your on-going development. During the module you should complete two audits. You should draw on these in completing the Individual Assignment.


Definition of Enterprise

Here ‘enterprise’ is defined[1] as ‘having ideas, doing something about them and taking advantage of opportunities to bring about change’ and can occur in any number of contexts including technological, social, environmental, political or ethical.


Enterprise Skills / Attributes

While a range of skills /attributes can be classified as enterprising the following represent some of the most important:


  1. Creative approach to generating ideas
  2. Structured approach to solving problems
  3. Communicating to influence others
  4. Working collaboratively
  5. Proactive and motivated


Online Enterprise Based Audits

You can develop more detailed knowledge of the types of enterprise behaviours by using the following online audits.

Enterprise Catalyst –  Register and complete online audit in 5 minutes

General Enterprising Tendency Test – Self-assessment test


Auditing Skills

Knowing what you are good at and what you need to develop and how is a core of all employers. The NTU resource below has videos of employers discussing this. It also includes advice on other techniques for reflecting on your skills, as well as CV development and Interview Preparation guidance.


GoTo Then Choose Students and Graduates and Open MyCareerExplorer


Below are criteria separating 5 different levels of skills / attribute development. Using this table you can identify your current level of competency and how you might enhance your performance. Levels 1 and 2 represent an implicit level of understanding in that skills / attributes are described using quite general terms. Levels 3, 4, and 5 represent explicit levels of understanding in which skills / attributes can be described and explained by referring to commonly accepted approaches and personal experience. As an example if you have undertaken a training/development course relating to one of the enterprise skills then you should be at Level 3.
Level Development


Knowledge Experience Focus for Reflection
5 Very Competent “I have substantial detailed knowledge of this skill”. “I have substantial experience in more than one environment or repeated experiences in the same environment”. “I consistently evaluate my own performance, actively seek feedback and set my own goals for Improvement”.
4 Improving Competence “I can explain this skill (as per Level 3)” “I can refer to at least 2 experiences in different environments in which I have successfully displayed this skill”. “I can evaluate my own performance and recognize developmental needs”.
3 Competent “I can explain this skill clearly by using, e.g. definitions, principles, models, guidelines, checklist”. “I have at least one substantive experience of using this skill”. “I can link my knowledge to the example experience”.
2 Growing awareness “I can describe this skill in a

general way”.

“I can describe one or two experiences of where I think I have displayed this skill. “I recognise my need to develop both my knowledge and my experience”.
1 General “I would have difficulty describing this skill” “I have no significant experiences to recount”. “I am not able to clearly describe key strengths and areas that need developing”.





Skill My Evidence My Level
Creative approach to generating ideas
Structured approach to solving problems
Communicating to influence others
Working collaboratively
Proactive and motivated
Actions I’ll take:












Skill My Evidence My Level
Creative approach to generating ideas
Structured approach to solving problems
Communicating to influence others
Working collaboratively
Proactive and motivated
Actions I’ll take:











[1] (accessed 01102014

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