Posted: February 21st, 2013

Seperate Topics

1) Read the following article:
2) What are some of the current concerns caused by the separation of state and church? Should “faith-based” organizations receive funding? If so, under what circumstances? Should the government be able to punish parents who allow their children to die because they relied on “faith healing” rather than medical doctors? What other controversies does our contemporary world bring to this issue?
3) Post your responses to this discussion board.
Unit 12: Video and Discussion Assignment
1) Watch the interview: Jeff Sharlet on “The Family: The Secret Fundamentalism at the Heart of American Power” at the link below:
2) How important is the separation of church and state? Do you think church leaders have the right to interfere with the policy decisions at the governmental level? Or do they have an obligation to guide the nation’s leader in the moral approach to political matters? What about the members of “The Family”? Should legislators disclose their religious views to the public before making policy decisions?
3) Post your responses to this discussion board.


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