Posted: June 21st, 2017

Several laboratory tests were researched for their usefulness in evaluating suspected histoplasmos is in patients who reside in an area where this disease is endemic. If the prevalence of histoplasmosis is 25%, which of the following sensitivity and specificity combinations would y ou choose as the most useful confirmatory test for diagnosing the disease?

Several laboratory tests were
researched for their usefulness in
is in patients who reside in an
area where this disease is endemic. If the prevalence of
histoplasmosis is 25%, which of the following sensitivity and
specificity combinations would y
ou choose as the most useful
confirmatory test for diagnosing the disease?
A. Sensitivity of 50%, specificity of 98%
B. Sensitivity of 90%, specificity of 80%
C. Sensitivity of 92%, specificity of 70%
D. Sensitivity of 99%, specificity of 90%

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