Posted: September 16th, 2017

several students who are participating in a 10k walk-a-thon to raise money for charity need to decide on a plan for sponsors to pledge money

Several students who are participating in a 10k walk-a-thon to raise money for charity need to decide on a plan for sponsors to pledge money. three different committees proposed the following three plans. plan 1 suggests they should ask for a $1 donation and then $1.25 for every kilometer a participant walks would be an appropriate pledge. plan 2 suggests $2.75 per kilometer because it would bring in more money per kilometer. plan 3 thinks that if they ask for too much money, people wont agree to be sponsors; they suggest asking for a donation of $5 and then $0.50 per kilometer he walks.

so i need help in completing a table for each of the different possibilities using the information given above. and it is suggested that you complete the table using intervals of 1kilometer

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