Posted: September 16th, 2017



answer the following questions. Only answers to the questions will be counted toward your total word count requirement of 275 words per page.  Answers to questions must be typed under the corresponding section (a, b, or c). Must be typed in times new roman 12 point font, APA style with in-text quotations.

If anyone needs further proof of that, just examine how difficult it has been to eliminate child pornography, which IS illegal, and which the vast majority of adults believe is dangerous and should be banned. Yet it still flourishes on the Internet, to the point that there are clubs and “societies” with websites dedicated to making child pornography legal and to legalizing adult-child sexual relationships.
Part I: Here’s a PG-13 rated question: a. Do men and women have different sexual needs? Explain your views thoroughly and use descriptors. Take into account varying needs from individual to individual, and even within the same person (for instance as a person ages), and partner’s needs and one’s own needs. b. What are the differences and concerns of men’s and women’s reactions to erotica versus romance?
Some argue that our culture is prematurely sexualizing its children, particularly younger females, by glorifying adolescent female “celebrities” who suggestively prance around stage nearly naked, and then develop clothing lines for young girls with tag lines like “pornstar” or “jailbait” emblazoned across the chest of the shirts, or “Yes I do, but not with you,” on the rear end of the shorts.
Part III: a. Is it really harmful or another case of overzealous moralists trying to impose their views on others? What do you feel about this issue?  Relatedly: c. Should sexual behavior be banned when violent behavior isn’t? Some people feel that the real pornography in both movies and television is the amount of graphic violence to which children and adults are regularly exposed. What do you think? Explain to us substantively!

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