Posted: February 2nd, 2015

Sex offender Survey

Sex offender Survey

Order Description

You have been asked to survey the general public about their attitudes towards punishing sex offenders. Based on what you have read this week, how would you go about

surveying people about this topic? Include the type of survey (telephone, mail, email, etc) and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the method your chose.
Constructing Surveys
Survey research involves questionnaires and interviews to ask people about themselves. Important information can be obtained regarding people’s attitudes and beliefs,

their demographic information, and other information regarding past or intended future behavior. As examples of each, let’s imagine we are doing market research on our

new household appliance, Doesitall.

In terms of people’s attitudes we can survey if they are happy with our product, or if they believe that our product delivers the services we claim it does.
For demographic information we might to know information regarding age, socioeconomic status, race, etc. regarding those who have purchased our product, to see if any

trends emerge.
Regarding future behavior, we can use a survey to see what additional features our customers would like our product to have.

As you review the readings and resources for this week you will see that the strength of our survey will be influenced by the types of questions we ask, the wording of

the questions, the means by which participants respond to our questions and the way we administer our survey (phone, written, internet, or in person). To guide your

study of this material, ask yourself how you might be influenced by these factors if you were to be a part of survey.

For example, are you more likely to tell the truth to someone in person as opposed to via email? Are you more likely to participate when asked your opinion online as

opposed to over the phone? Are there certain topics (such as your sexual behavior, or views on different racial groups) where you would be unlikely to provide much

information if you were asked open-ended questions?

market, which side of the market would pay the most tax?

3.  Consider the competitive market where demand is P = 20 – .25Q and supply is P = 3 + .5Q.

a.  Analyze the effects on the equilibrium quantity, producer price Pn, and consumer price Pg of a
$1 per unit tax on producers.  What is the tax revenue?

b.  Analyze the effects on the equilibrium quantity, producer price Pn, and consumer price Pg of a
20% ad valorem tax on producers.  What is the tax revenue?

c.  Analyze the effects on the equilibrium quantity, producer price Pn, and consumer price Pg of a
$1 per unit subsidy to consumers.  What is the cost to the government?


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