Posted: February 6th, 2015

Shapeless silhouette and shorter skirt-Coco Chanel 1920’s-Andres Courrèges, Pierre Cardin 1960’s-present.

Shapeless silhouette and shorter skirt-Coco Chanel 1920’s-Andres Courrèges, Pierre Cardin 1960’s-present.

Order Description

What was going on politically and socially that made women want to dress in a way that did not show off their curves? What changes were happening with women’s roles?

How were women beginning to see themselves? What kind of behavior was expected with this kind of dress? How does this style translate in today’s fashion? Who is

designing this style and what type of woman is wearing it?

History of Costume
Essay Assignment
Joanie Willgues

The purpose of this assignment is to reinforce the historical, social, economic and cultural impact fashion and designers have made on our world.  You will write a 3-5

page essay written in standard MLA format including Works Cited in MLA format. You may choose one of the topics written below. Thoroughly research your topic and

organize your answers into a beginning, middle and end. You must follow the trend through three time lines as listed below. Please use correct grammar, spelling and

punctuation. You may use the Idea Center in the Annex if you need help with this. Your choices are:

•    Hour Glass Shape- Charles Frederick Worth-Christian Dior-present
What was going on politically and socially that made women want to dress in an ultra-feminized way. What was going on with the economy and how did that affect this

style? What kind of behavior was expected with this kind of dress? How does this style translate in today’s fashion? Who is designing this style and what type of woman

is wearing it?

•    Shapeless silhouette and shorter skirt-Coco Chanel 1920’s-Andres Courrèges, Pierre Cardin 1960’s-present.
What was going on politically and socially that made women want to dress in a way that did not show off their curves? What changes were happening with women’s roles?

How were women beginning to see themselves? What kind of behavior was expected with this kind of dress? How does this style translate in today’s fashion? Who is

designing this style and what type of woman is wearing it?

•    Shoulder pads-1940’s Adrian, Elsa Schiaparelli, etc.-1980’s Armani, Bob Mackie, Claude Montana-present
What was going on politically and socially that made women want to wear shoulder pads which was traditionally a masculine look? What was going on with the economy in

these periods and how did that affect these styles? What kind of behavior was expected with this kind of dress? How does this style translate in today’s fashion? Who

is designing this style and what type of woman is wearing it?

The purpose of this project is to find the common denominators for these trends. So not research one designer only. Research the two historical periods listed for each

trend and any designers who are showing the trend today.


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