Posted: November 25th, 2014



Order Description

My topic is about Sharks.

The main topic is: ” SHARKS ARE NOT A THREAT “.

I have upload some instructions that you need to follow. Also, I have give you an example that will help you understand the case.

The aim of this essay is to educate the “adult” and “teenager” people as they are the audience and also I am going to deliver my message through social media such as

TV and YouTube.

Assignment 2: Design Concept (60%)
Rationale and Communication Value
A mature design concept developed to address: message, medium, and audience, using a medium of choice (communication tool), for an audience of choice.  The design

concept will require you to design an interpretation activity based on one of the following themes:
•    ecosystem/habitat focus
•    place focus (including cultural history)
•    issue focus
•    organism/biotic group focus.
The design concept must include a rationale (1000-1500 words) outlining:
•    background on the ecosystem/place/issue/organism
•    clear description of your interpretation concept
•    rationale for your concept
•    symbolism used
You will not be assessed on the quality of execution of the design concept (artwork) but on clarity and communication value of the concept (i.e. degree to which you

have assimilated the principles of environmental communication) and on the rationale behind the concept (i.e. the degree to which you have assimilated information on

marine/coastal systems and the concepts of “place” and “story”).  You must ensure that you adequately address all the assessment criteria below
You may use any medium/approach for your design concept including one or more of (but not limited to) the following:
•    press release/story
•    magazine article
•    poster
•    powerpoint presentation
•    photo/video essay/journal
•    painting
•    multi-media artwork
•    sculpture
•    music/song
•    video
•    drama
•    T shirt design
•    comic
•    website or Facebook page
•    children’s book
•    resource pack for primary or secondary school teachers
•    ecotour design
•    expo design
•    design for a media campaign, etc.
You need not complete (fully execute) the design concept.  You will be required to present a draft concept design at the completion of the 5 day intensive program (to

ensure the audience and message are both clear) and will then submit the mature design concept at a later date.
Assignment 2 Assessment Criteria

1. Background    Excellent    Very Good    Satisfactory    Unsatisfactory    Not Addressed
Description    10 points

A thorough description of the background of the place, organism or issue being addressed that demonstrates excellent research and use of available resources    7.5


A very good description of the background of the place, organism or issue being addressed that demonstrates you have researched the topic and attempted to incorporate

the available resources    5 points

The background of the place, organism or issue has been described in reasonable detail so as to indicate an adequate level of research.  More effort could be made to

research more widely and inform your description from your reading    2.5 points

The background of the place, organism or issue has been only superficially described and there is little evidence of research around the topic and use of the available

resources    0 points

There is either no background description included or it does not relate to the place, organism or issue being addressed in the design concept
2. Concept Description    Excellent    Very Good    Satisfactory    Unsatisfactory    Not addressed
Description    5 points

The design concept is described in excellent detail, but succinctly; demonstrating clear and thorough thought    4 points

The description of the design concept is provided in sufficient detail to indicate clear thought    3 points

It is possible to understand what the design concept will involve, but it is not described in a very clear and concise way.    2 points

The description of the concept is unclear    0 points

There is no description of the concept
Statement of theme    5 points

The theme is stated very clearly and succinctly in the rationale and is clearly identifiable throughout the design concept.     4 points

The theme is stated clearly and succinctly in the rationale and is identifiable throughout the design concept    3 points

The theme is stated in the rationale and is identifiable throughout the design concept, but there could be improvements in the clarity of expression and/or

illustration of the theme    2 points

It is difficult to identify the theme in either the rationale or communication of the design concept.    0 points

There has been no clear attempt to state the theme being addressed by the design concept anywhere in the assignment
Identification of audience    5 points

The target audience is very clearly and succinctly stated in the rationale and is very clearly indentifiable throughout the design concept    4 points

The target audience is clearly and succinctly stated in the rationale and is clearly indentifiable throughout the design concept    3 points

The target audience is stated in the rationale and is identifiable throughout the design concept, but there could be improvements in the clarity of expression and/or

explanation of the audience    2 points

It is difficult to identify the target audience in either the rationale or communication of the design concept.    0 points

There has been no clear attempt to identify the target audience for the design concept anywhere in the assignment
Identification of communication medium (tool)    5 points

The communication medium, and how it will be used, is stated very clearly and succinctly in the rationale and is clearly identifiable throughout the design concept.

4 points

The communication medium, and how it will be used, is stated clearly and succinctly in the rationale and is identifiable throughout the design concept    3 points

The communication medium is stated in the rationale and is identifiable throughout the design concept, but there could be improvements in the clarity of expression

and/or illustration of how the medium will be used    2 points

It is difficult to identify the communication medium in either the rationale or communication of the design concept.    0 points

There has been no clear attempt to explain the medium used to communicate the theme anywhere in the assignment
3. Rationale for the Concept    Excellent    Very good    Satisfactory    Unsatisfactory    Not addressed
Statement of rationale for concept    10 points

The rationale for the concept is very clear and robust.  This includes a very well-articulated reason for choosing each of the theme, audience and the communication

medium described in the concept description.  There is significant evidence of choices being informed by the principals of interpretation and the literature.    7.5


The rationale for the concept is clear and robust.  This includes a well-articulated reason for choosing each of the theme, audience and the communication medium

described in the concept description. There is good evidence of choices being informed by the principals of interpretation and the literature.    5 points

The rationale for the concept is reasonably clear and robust.  The reasons for choosing each of the theme, audience and the communication medium are described, but

greater depth or evidence of informed choices could be illustrated.    2.5 points

The rationale for the concept is poorly described.  The reasons for choosing each of the theme, audience and the communication medium are superficial or unclear, with

little evidence of choices being informed by the principals of interpretation.    0 points

There has been no attempt to explain the rationale for the concept
Relationship of concept to place, organism or issue    5 points

The rationale indicates significant depth of thought and a genuine attempt to understand “place”, “organism”, or “issue” concepts (as relevant).  This is supported by

evidence of extensive research.    4 points

The rationale indicates depth of thought and a good attempt to understand “place”, “organism”, or “issue” concepts (as relevant).  This is supported by evidence of

research.    3 points

The rationale indicates reasonable depth of thought and a reasonable attempt to understand “place”, “organism”, or “issue” concepts (as relevant).  It could be

improved by greater support from the literature.    2 points

There is little evidence of research or understanding of the concepts of  “place”, “organism”, or “issue” (as relevant) illustrated in the rationale.    0 points

There has been no attempt to demonstrate an understanding of the concepts of  “place”, “organism”, or “issue” (as relevant) in the rationale.
Interpretation principles are inherent in the design concept    5 points

An excellent understanding of the principals of interpretation have been demonstrated in the way they have been incorporated into the rationale for the concept    4


The rationale indicates a genuine attempt to understand and incorporate the principles of interpretation    3 points

The rationale indicates a attempt to understand and incorporate the principles of interpretation.  Could be improved by greater depth of understanding or clarity of

expression.    2 points

There has been little attempt to demonstrate an understanding of the principles of interpretation, and to incorporate them into the rationale.    0 points

There has been no attempt to demonstrate an understanding of the principles of interpretation, nor to incorporate them into the rationale.
Explanation of Symbolism    5 points

The rationale very clearly explains the symbolism inherent in the concept and clearly and succinctly describes the deeper meaning to be revealed to the audience

4 points

The rationale clearly explains the symbolism inherent in the concept and describes the deeper meaning to be revealed to the audience    3 points

The symbolism inherent in the concept is stated in the rationale but there could be improvements in the clarity of expression and/or illustration of the deeper meaning

to be revealed to the audience    2 points

It is difficult to understand the symbolism inherent in the concept from either the rationale or communication of the design concept.    0 points

There has been no attempt to explain the symbolism inherent in the design concept anywhere in the assignment
4. Communication Value    Excellent    Very good    Satisfactory    Unsatisfactory    Not addressed
Suitability of communication medium (tool)    10 points

The medium that has been chosen to communicate the theme is very well matched to the target audience and informed by the literature and available resources.  It is not

too simple/difficult for the target audience to comprehend; it offers enlightenment without being over-challenging.    7.5 points

The medium that has been chosen to communicate the theme is appropriate for the target audience.  It is not too simple/difficult for the target audience to comprehend;

it offers enlightenment without being over-challenging.    5 points

There is a reasonable match between the communication medium and the target audience, however, there is room for improvement and good be better informed by the

literature and available resources.    2.5 points

The medium that has been chosen to communicate the theme is inappropriate for the target audience.  It is too simple/difficult for the target audience to comprehend;

and does not enlighten the audience.    0 points

It is not possible to assess the suitability of the communication medium as either the medium or the audience have not been clearly expressed.
Communication value of the concept for the target audience    5 points

The design concept clearly communicates the theme to the target audience in an original and innovative way    4 points

The design concept appropriately communicates the theme to the target audience.    3 points

The design concept reasonably communicates the theme to the target audience but may be improved by greater research and originality.    2 points

The design concept does not clearly communicate the theme to the target audience and may be confused or unclear    0 points

The has been no attempt to explain how the design concept communicates the theme to the target audience
5. Interpretation value of the concept    Excellent    Very Good    Satisfactory    Unsatisfactory    Not addressed
Reveals deeper meaning    5 points

The design concept incorporates the principals of sound environmental interpretation by very clearly revealing deeper meaning    4 points

The design concept incorporates the principals of sound environmental interpretation by revealing deeper meaning    3 points

The design concept reasonably incorporates the principals of sound environmental interpretation by attempting to reveal deeper meaning, but could be improved in

clarity    2 points

There is little evidence that the design concept reveals deeper meaning    0 points

There is no indication of how the design concept reveals deeper meaning
Relates to the audience    5 points

The design concept incorporates the principals of sound environmental interpretation by very clearly and effectively relating to the target audience    4 points

The design concept incorporates the principals of sound environmental interpretation by clearly and effectively relating to the target audience    3 points

The design concept reasonably incorporates the principals of sound environmental interpretation by attempting to relate to the target audience, but could be improved

in clarity and effectiveness    2 points

There is little evidence that the design concept relates to the target audience    0 points

There is no indication of how the design concept relates to the target audience
Informative without information overload    5 points

The design concept incorporates the principals of sound environmental interpretation by being very informative but cleverly avoiding information overload    4


The design concept incorporates the principals of sound environmental interpretation by being informative without information overload    3 points

The design concept reasonably incorporates the principals of sound environmental interpretation by attempting to inform without information overload, but could be

improved by greater attention to detail and revision    2 points

There is little evidence that the design concept is informative without information overload    0 points

There is no indication of an attempt to inform without information overload
Designed as a story    5 points

The design concept incorporates the principals of sound environmental interpretation by being designed as a very engaging story that informs, entertains and enlightens

the target audience    4 points

The design concept incorporates the principals of sound environmental interpretation by being designed as a story that informs, entertains and enlightens the target

audience    3 points

The design concept incorporates the principals of sound environmental interpretation by being designed as a story that attempts to inform, entertain and enlighten the

target audience.  It could be improved in the way the story is crafted or the clarity with which it is told    2 points

There is little evidence that the design concept is crafted around a story, the message is not clearly evident in the story that is being told, or the story is not

particularly engaging for the target audience    0 points

There has been no attempt to incorporate a story into the design concept
Provokes an emotional and intellectual response    5 points

The design concept incorporates the principals of sound environmental interpretation by very effectively provoking an emotional and intellectual response, and

empowering the audience    4 points

The design concept incorporates the principals of sound environmental interpretation by provoking an emotional and intellectual response, and empowering the audience

3 points

The design concept reasonably incorporates the principals of sound environmental interpretation by attempting to provoke an emotional and intellectual response.  It

could be improved in the strength of that response provoked or by greater empowerment of the audience in the end.    2 points

There is little evidence that the design concept attempts to provoke an emotional and intellectual response in the audience    0 points

There is no indication of how the design concept provokes an emotional and intellectual response in the audience
Other    Excellent    Very Good    Satisfactory    Unsatisfactory    Not addressed
6. Research and referencing    5 points

There has clearly been a significant amount of research into the place/organism/issue as well as the principals of interpretation and how they may be applied to the

design concept.  The source material has been cited extensively and referenced appropriately using a consistent referencing style format    4 points

There has clearly been an effort to research into the place/organism/issue as well as the principals of interpretation and how they may be applied to the design

concept.  The source material has been cited and referenced appropriately using a consistent referencing style format    3 points

There has been a reasonable effort to research into the place/organism/issue as well as the principals of interpretation and but there is room for improvement in how

that information has informed the design concept.  There is also room for improvement in how the source material has been cited and referenced using a consistent

referencing style format    2 points

There has been little effort to research into the place/organism/issue as well as the principals of interpretation and apply this information to the design concept.

The source material that has been used has been poorly cited and referencing has not followed a consistent referencing style format    0 points

There is no evidence that the design concept has been informed by the literature and that source material has been appropriately acknowledged.
Overall Score    HD
80 or more    D
70 or more    C
60 or more    P
50 or more    N
0 or more

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