Posted: September 16th, 2017

short multimedia presentation that summarizes a military campaign or battle you are familiar with

short multimedia presentation that summarizes a military campaign or battle you are familiar with

Prepare a short multimedia presentation that summarizes a military campaign or battle you are familiar with. Be sure to emphasize the principles of warfare you think are applicable in the campaign or battle you are presenting. This can be from any age or era. You will be graded both on content and “style” – so be sure that you presentation is neat, grammatically correct and visually appealing. Your project should be posted both in your assignment folder *and* in the special conference that will be set up so that you can share your projects with the class.

The goal of this assignment is two-fold. First, we live in a multimedia era and you are at least as likely, in most jobs, to be called upon to give a presentation to an audience as you are to be asked to write a proposal or executive summary. For those of you who are a bit nervous about this type of activity, this will give you good practice. Second, I hope that you will have fun with this and flex your creative muscles – something we often do not get the chance to do in online classes.

The type of presentation is *entirely* up to you. PowerPoint is the default option, but those of you who have skills with other types of multimedia – video editing, HTML, Flash and so forth can use those options if you prefer. While there does need to be a visual component, you can also pull in music or other audio. Don’t feel that you have to be as formal with this as you might be in a business presentation – a bit of humor is always a plus.

give credit where credit is due for any graphics, music, or video that you use. This is a classroom presentation, so “fair use” rules apply – just give credit, try not to “over sample” any single source, and you’ll be fine.

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