Posted: September 16th, 2017

Should short-selling be prohibited in times of financial distress?

Should short-selling be prohibited in times of financial distress?

Order Description

Objective: Examine your practical understanding of the key financial ideas, concepts, debates, issues and tools presented in the module with an emphasis on modern portfolio theory.
Description: You are an investment analyst in a large financial institution. A client enquires about a potential investment in two stocks. Her investment budget is $1,000,000 and her utility has the form:
?? = ???????????????? ???????????? – 1/2*???????? ???????????????? ???????????? · ????????????????
Using a profile investment questionnaire you determine that the client is conservative with respect to risk since her risk-aversion factor (A) is equal to 10. You are required to undertake a thorough investment analysis in order to propose the optimal capital allocation for the client. Your analysis, along with your final recommendation, should be presented in a comprehensive report.
Title: Should short-selling be prohibited in times of financial distress?
Objective: Examine your ability to critically discuss the advantages and disadvantages of a popular financial practise presented in the module.
Description: During the recent financial crisis of 2008, a number of countries worldwide decided to prohibit short-selling. You are required to critically analyse the underlying rationale for this decision and discuss whether you agree or disagree with it.

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