Posted: September 16th, 2017

social policy;

social policy;

Project description
Required reading
Hill, M. and Irving, Z. (2009) Understanding Social Policy, Eighth Edition, Oxford, Blackwell/Wiley, Ch 12 Social Policy and Social Change, pp261-76

Required preparation to be submitted
1. Read the chapter and then summarise in note form, the key ideas relating to the three sections on changes in the family, changes in working life and changes in the UK population.

2. Select three cited authors, one from each of the three main sections in the chapter, whose work interests you and search for him/her/them on the Google Scholar site:

3. Use the links to browse through the results and then choose the three separate pieces of published work by each author that you think would be most useful in improving your knowledge and understanding of social policy and social change.

4. Construct a bibliography consisting of the three publications you have selected for each author. Use the Harvard system of referencing. If you are not sure how to use this system correctly look though the tutorial guide available on the library pages under Sociological Studies.

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