Posted: September 14th, 2017



Allegany County and Baltimore City (Maryland)
Website used:

Authentic Assessment Part 1 is due the end of Week 5. In Part 1 you will write up a community profile of the two counties you have selected. You will discuss history, geography, culture, industry and the demographic profile of each county you have selected. There is a 2500 word count minimum, and you must use a minimum of 10 resources for Part 1.
Social Risks and VulnerabilitiesProject :
This course uses a social risks and vulnerabilities project to gauge student knowledge and learning in lieu of a final exam. The project is comprised of two parts completed over the course of the semester. It requires that you apply, analyze, and evaluate concepts and theories learned during the course and report them in a concise and professional manner. Due to the nature of the project, late submissions are not accepted (no exceptions).
All work submitted must follow APA sixth edition guidelines, use correct grammar, 12-point Arial or Times New Roman font, be double-spaced, and include a cover page with your name, course number, and section, title, and date. The project may include charts, graphs, and photographs as long as the sources are cited appropriately and correctly. You are encouraged to use outside resources in addition to those provided in the classroom to complete your project. Refer to the citation requirements in the rubric below the project description. The complete grading criteria and rubric for the project follow the project description.
Students are encouraged to use Sentence Works or other writing resources available through the Effective Writing Center to check grammar and citations.
Project Description: Identifying Social Risks and Vulnerabilities to Disaster
Part I: County Demographics (due November 17 Midnight EST)
a. Select two counties from the Hazard Vulnerability and Risk Institute website. Each county must be of similar population size but from different geographic regions (northeast, southwest, etc.)
b. For each county, locate and report the most recent demographic information available from the US census.
c. Submit part I of the assessment project to the Assignments Folder by midnight eastern time
The Social Vulnerability Index
a. the Social Vulnerability Index (SoVI) and its use as a tool for emergency management planning.
b. For each county, report the SoVI available from the Hazard and Vulnerability Research Institute.
c. Submit part II of the assessment project to the Assignments Folder by midnight eastern time.



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