Posted: September 13th, 2017

Sociological Perspective Essay

Sociological Perspective Essay

Order Description

Social interactionists such as Howard Becker argue that ‘crime’ and ‘deviant behaviour’ are subject to, and outcomes of, a labelling process by certain groups in society. Argue for, or against this proposition, with reference to at least one group of ‘deviants’ in Australian society

The essay applies sociological perspectives to a topic. The task encourages you to creatively present your ideas in a written essay form using the conventions of academic presentation and referencing
1. Focus: addressed the question; identified main issue (5%)
2. Research: demonstrated understanding and engagement with key ideas from readings/evidence (5%)
3. Analysis: Topic analysed using at least one sociological perspective (e.g. conflict theory; functionalism; feminism, symbolic interactionism) (5%)
4. Justification: point of view, clarity of argument (5%)
5. Originality and creativity (5%)
6. Referencing: consistent in-text referencing and use of APA referencing style (5%)
7. Academic expression including clear and correct writing, spelling and grammar, sentence structure and essay structure (5%)

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