Posted: September 7th, 2013

Sociology – Ethnomethodology Experiment

You are the Sociologist This week focuses on Ethnomethodology in Sociology. Please read this section in your textbook prior to the completion of this assignment. Your assignment is to conduct an Ethnomethodology exercise that breaks background assumptions about everyday life. First, you will think of a creative way to interact “differently” in a public setting, carry it out, then report other people’s reactions to your exercise. Here are some examples from previous students: walked into a movie theatre wearing deep-sea diving flippers instead of shoes; used a Red Flyer wagon as a cart in a Kroger grocery store; wore their entire clothes inside out to work; and, walked around a park with an imaginary dog leashand acted as though they were really walking a dog. Click Here To Get  More On This Essay!!!

***Please DO NOT do anything against the law.*** Be creative and have some fun with this assignment!! While conducting the exercise, note other people’s reactions to your breaking background assumptions. Also, include their feeling’s of comfort or discomfort in the violation of an unwritten rule of social life.

**You may write this essay in first person.

(1) Provide a BRIEF SUMMARY of the social setting, describing what was your ethnomethodological exercise. This should only be ONE paragraph or half of the first page.

(2) Next, discuss how people reacted to your behavior.

(3) Lastly, the final paragraph is a closing summary from an “ethnomethodology” perspective. In other words, discuss what these reactions and feelings say about the deeply embedded, common understandings that are rooted in our social life.

This is 2 FULL pages, double spaced, NAME ONLY IN UPPER RIGHT HAND CORNER, 12 font size essay assignment.

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***Note: This paper must not use the examples stated and must be something original. I need these details to be exactly fulfilled and will not accept anything else. Please provide a sample that would be on par with this type of paper required. Thank you very much!

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