Posted: September 14th, 2017

Sociology: Student’s comprehensive, sociological survey: the theoretical and methodological foundations Custom Essay

Students must submit their final paper illustrating each student’s comprehensive, sociological survey of the 2 religions they observed. The majority of the first half of each student’s paper should convey the theoretical and methodological foundations (literature review) of at least 5 other academic studies of sociological research that correspond to your topics. Students will add to the scholarly conversation of McGuire, Putnam and Campbell, and at least 5 other sources of relevant scholarship and surveys by adding their own findings to their own research questions in the second half of this research paper.

Also, I’ve started working on it already, but need you to pick up where I’ve left on and match my voice the best you can. I will upload several files for source lists, log in info, and the start of my research paper.

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