Posted: September 16th, 2017

Software Estimation Methods Information

Software Estimation Methods Information login here

One of the key sources of schedule risk is estimating. For further insight into methods used to estimate software development duration, we will take a look at the following article:

Part I

Temnenco, Vitalie (2007), “Software Estimation, Enterprise-Wide, Part I: Reasons and Means”,

Your assignment is to:

• read the article

• answer the questions listed below

• submit your answers through the assignment in Blackboard.


1. What is the difference between top-down and bottom-up estimating? What are the advantages and disadvantages of each?

2. What is meant by “experience-based” estimating techniques? Give a brief description of each of the experience-based techniques described in the article. What are the advantages and disadvantages of each?

3. How do learning-oriented techniques differ from experience-oriented techniques? Give a brief description of each of the learning-oriented techniques described in the article. What are the advantages and disadvantages of each?

4. What do the following acronyms refer to: COCOMO, MMOE, TODSI, SLOC, SLIM, FC?

5. Briefly describe the algorithmic methods described by the author. How does COCOMO 2.0 differ from COCOMO?

6. What are function points? How is function count derived? What methods of function point analysis-based estimating are described by the author?

7. Briefly describe the emerging techniques outlined in the article.

8. How do the author’s final comments in the Conclusion section relate to the issue of identifying schedule-related risk?

Part II

Find a research article through the library or scholarly database focusing on Risk Management Time or Scheduling. Include the following parts to the research.

Introduction, thesis statement, overview, purpose

Background, discuss history of topic

Discussion, identify benefits, obstacles, innovations

Conclusion, summarize the overall study, lessons learned

References, with citations in the body


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