Posted: September 13th, 2017

Solar energy industry in Turkey

Solar energy industry in Turkey

All the analysis must include a clearly explanation of where the business opportunity are and where the company must be a ware of potential risks

The assignment will act like a business consultant of a solar purchasing system company

Note: the clients are focusing on low-income target market in turkey cause the solar system allows customer to make installment

The company is currently from India but would like to invest in Turkey

Turkey’s solar energy industry analysis by explaining

1. Turkey’s solar energy Industry SWOT analysis (strength, weakness, Opportunity and threat)

2. Turkey’s PEST analysis

2.1 Political analysis Legal, FDI

Political factors refer to the stability of the political environment and the attitudes of political parties or movements. This may manifest in government influence on tax policies, or government involvement in trading agreements. Political factors are inevitably entwined with Legal factors such as national employment laws, international trade regulations and restrictions, monopolies and mergers’ rules, and consumer protection.

2.2 Economic analysis

Represent the wider economy so may include economic growth rates, levels of employment and unemployment, costs of raw materials such as energy, petrol and steel, interest rates and monetary policies, exchange rates and inflation rates

2.3 Social analysis solar energy trends, population density

Represent the culture of the society that an organization operates within. They may include demographics, age distribution, population growth rates, level of education, distribution of wealth and social classes, living conditions and lifestyle
2.4 Technology analysis

3. Turkey’s Investment risk analysis

Plase use the main information from the file I have attached there are serveral international investment information

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