Posted: September 13th, 2017

Solar PV Parking System

Order Description
1. Talk about how government should take the advantage of land.a solar PV park can play a pivotal role in local government strategy for land-use planning.

2. Government should use Feed in Tariff as it will encourage the owners to build solar parking

add more points about this subject

Then talk about the challenges and Future Work. In this part talk about :

1. the benefit of installing a charge station for Electric cars using the electricity from the solar PV parking. Talk about the cost and about the Electric cars.

2. write about the disadvantages of solar pv parking and how it is better than roof tops . write about the benefits of solar parking. and talk about how the levelized cost of a PV is cheaper than CSP….etc

3. Building this solar parking will reduce electricity consumption and co2 emissions.

Please put the references and dont use books. Only use online sources

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