Posted: September 14th, 2017

Spatial Planning

Spatial Planning

Planning in Action: Case Study of Selly Oak

Assignment 3 – Selly Oak Briefing Note

Selly Oak has undergone considerable change over the last 30 years and is a key strategic site for the future development of the city. It provides a useful microcosm of planning issues that is also impacted by the proximity to the University of Birmingham. It has been identified as one of the largest regeneration areas in Birmingham. It is an area with considerable development potential with the current focus of the area in the Birmingham Development Plan and the availability of key sites that together provide a unique opportunity to make positive change in the area.

This case study will involve a number of key stages:

1.Introduction and Site Visit
2.Examination of key planning documents on the area
3.Identification of key issues – brief issues reports and presentations from student groups

This project contains both formative andsummative stages. For the final submission the intention is to bring together the information and ideas that you have gathered in the earlier formative stages. You have been tasked with the job of producing a key issues briefing report for the Chair of the Planning Committee of 1,500 words maximumthat explores some of the options and proposals that could lead towards a new future for Selly Oak. The intention is to inform the development of the newly emerging Supplementary Planning Guidance for the area.

The briefing note should:

1.Clearly set out a vision for the area (i.e. what role should the area play and what key functions should it perform) and identify the potential that the area offers in terms of future development.

2.Identify the key planning issuesand opportunities for the areaand how these should inform the planning strategy for Selly Oak.

3.Identify the key challenges affecting the future development of the area how these might be addressed.

This is a briefing report so keep it succinct and to the point and it should be well structured with clear headings and sections. Visuals are encouraged.

Key links:

Writing a briefing report – some key tips:
1.State your purpose and outline who you are writing the briefing paper for in one or two sentences at the beginning.

2.Advisable to divide your briefing paper into short paragraphs to cover the topics you want to raise, and start a new paragraph each time you begin discussing a new idea. Often useful to number the paragraphs so it is easy to reference or refer to in the future.

3.Use of sections and bullet points to be encouraged, as well as use of appropriate images and visuals.

4.Explain the background information pertinent to the briefing paper by giving the relevant background to the area.

5.Use accessible language.

6.Support what you think should happen with reasoning and evidence.

7.Make sure you do a thorough proof read and edit to ensure that the briefing note makes sense and there are no typos – bearing in mind who the note is intended for.

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