Posted: June 20th, 2013

Special Education

Special Education

Paper instructions:
Critique a student learning styles survey. The goal is to evaluate a survey for quality information. Use the questions below as a guide to determine survey usefulness and assistance in determining learning styles, school culture, and attitude. Use the “Learning Style Surveys” to complete assignment. Students may also select an alternative survey (not listed on the resource) to evaluate. Write a critique/essay of 1,000–1,250 words in which you address the questions below:CLICK HERE TO GET MORE………
Who are the respondents?
Who are the investigators?
Are the respondents capable of answering the survey?
What is the purpose of the survey?
Is the survey a valid method of gathering information?
Are the questions meaningful and appropriate?
How was the data analyzed?
What did the survey reveal?
Would you add or eliminate questions?
What biases may have affected how the data is gathered, analyzed, and presented?CLICK HERE TO GET MORE………

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