Posted: September 13th, 2017

Specialist in HR. COMPENSATION AND PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT for Emirates Airline. Description: 1. Introduction- about the organisation and its compensation strategy- mission, objectives and goals.- 5 % LO1 2. Methodology – Develop questionnaire for interviewing or collecting data about your organisation compensation policy like internal alignment, competitiveness, contribution and management issues.- 5 % LO3 HR survey: use the other paper to make a survey to complete this section. I want you to make a fake survey to be spread out to 10 employees. And then collect the data from the ten papers for the survey and make it clear. Please show us explanation of the result and include chart and graphs. See the other attachment which will help you to make a survey. Then make a fake result by ten employees from emirates airline. 3. Discussion and Report- Provide a report- about the same with details about the same and methods and techniques being used by your organization with appendixes of any evidences. You can use questionnaires to check the satisfaction of different levels of employee families to record their satisfaction with compensation efficiency, fairness and justice. Particularly how your organization is managing the contribution part of compensation policy. Benefits at different levels can also be reviewed. Pay levels and pay differentials need to be discussed. Is your organization following a job family model or any other model . – 20 % LO4 4. Recommendations – after your analysis of employee satisfaction and existing compensation policy of your organization. – 10 % LO4


1.    Introduction-  about the organisation and its compensation strategy- mission, objectives and goals.- 5 % LO1

2.    Methodology – Develop questionnaire for interviewing or collecting data about your organisation compensation policy like internal alignment, competitiveness,  contribution and management issues.- 5 % LO3
HR survey: use the other paper to make a survey to complete this section. I want you to make a fake survey to be spread out to 10 employees. And then collect the data from the ten papers for the survey and make it clear. Please show us explanation of the result and include chart and graphs. See the other attachment which will help you to make a survey. Then make a fake result by ten employees from emirates airline.

3.    Discussion and Report- Provide a report-  about the same  with details about the same and methods and techniques being used by your organization with appendixes of any evidences. You can use questionnaires to check the satisfaction of different levels of employee families to record their satisfaction with compensation efficiency, fairness and justice.  Particularly how your organization is managing the contribution part of compensation policy.  Benefits at different levels can also be reviewed. Pay levels and pay differentials need to be discussed.  Is your organization following a job family model or any other model . – 20 %  LO4

4.    Recommendations – after your analysis of employee satisfaction and existing compensation policy of your organization. – 10 %  LO4

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