Posted: July 11th, 2016

What specific activities could parents do with their infants to develop to their intellectual potential?

Answer the following questions regarding intellectual development: • The infant: What specific activities could parents do with their infants to develop to their intellectual potential? • The child: Would you rather have a child who was highly creative or highly intelligent? Why? • The adolescent: List one meaningful use of IQ scores during adolescence. • The adult: In what ways are you smarter than your parents and grandparents and in what ways are they smarter or wiser than you? • List 4 factors that appear to influence IQ scores.

Organize/Label your paper so it’s evident that you address each part of the assignment. Carefully edit your essay so that it is free from grammatical and punctuation errors.

Your essay should meet the following specifications: • 2 pages in length • 1 inch margins • Times New Roman 12-point font • Resources are cited (Go to the NAU Online Library for APA information.)

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