Posted: July 18th, 2013


Subject: Medicine and Health
Select and read one of the first five sections of Spillover by David Quammen.
I. Pale Horse – Hendra virus
II. Thirteen Gorillas – Ebola virus
III. Everything Comes from Somewhere – malaria
IV. Dinner at the Rat Farm – SARS
V. The Deer, the Parrot, and the Kid Next Door – Q-fever and Lyme disease
Search the literature, both scholarly and popular literature, from 2010 to 2013 regarding the infectious organism or group of organisms featured in the section you selected.
1) Evaluate the informaton in ‘Spillover’ compared to the information found in your search. Is the information in ‘Spillover’ accurate? Is it complete? Is uncertainty addressed appropriately?
2) Is the writing in ‘Spillover’ appropriate in tone? Is it understandable for a lay person?
3) What is your personal opinion of this section of ‘Spillover’? What particular stories, facts or explanations stand out for you as most informative or interesting? Is it from ‘Spillover’, or from other information you located during your search?
This paper does not need to be lengthy. The goal is to evaluate the selected section, both from a factual perspective and from your personal persepective as a reader.

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