Posted: September 16th, 2017

Spring, Joel. (2004). Conflict of Interests

Spring, Joel. (2004). Conflict of Interests

Chapters 5 & 6

follow the instructions from this book
Spring, Joel. (2004). Conflict of Interests (5th ed.).
Chapters 5 & 6
One page for chapter 5 and one page for chapter 6

Spring Reader Response/Reaction Essays.
You will be prompted to answer the following questions in 1-3 pages, per chapter:
1. Briefly summarize two major points discussed in each chapter of the readings.
2. Identify and discuss two issues raised in each chapter of the readings that you found especially thought-provoking? What is the relationship between those issues and the work of educational leaders?
The essays will be evaluated based upon a.) quality of interpretation; b.) demonstrated effort to link the interpretation to the class topic and related educational issue; and c.) clarity of response.

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