Posted: July 15th, 2015

State Terrorism Sponsors


This is a blog assignment on the readings and video of this week. PLEASE use at least TWO of the designated sources below for your writing, and follow the Response Question as the writing prompt. Thank you!

Response Question:
The United States has been accused of being a state sponsor of terrorism by various groups and by nations such as Venezuela, Cuba and Nicaragua. Additionally, Daniel Byman has claimed that the U.S., (along with Saudi Arabia and Pakistan), is a “passive supporter of terrorism. It has also been argued that the U.S. has a “double standard” when it comes to terrorism. Why do you believe these arguments have been made? Do agree with them? Why or why not?

1. Nationalistic and Ethnic Terrorism,” by Jonathan White in Terrorism and Homeland Security, Chapter 11, pp. 178-206
2. State Sponsored Terrorism:
3. State Dept. info: State Sponsor of Terrorism:
4. Terror in Mumbai (

PLEASE make all the writing original as it will be checked closely by the professor, and I am ordering more for my friends. Thank you.

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