Posted: July 17th, 2013

Statistical data analysis in the social sciences

Question 1: The results of statistical analysis have often been interpreted as absolute in that a test that fails to meet the criteria set for significance leads to acceptance of the null hypothesis regardless of how close these results are to meeting the criteria. Recently, however, there has been a push to look at the gray area to determine not only the level of significance but also the meaningfulness or effect size of the results. Discuss the rationale behind each of these seemingly opposing views in terms of quantitative analysis. Evaluate the ethical concerns that surround their use in research aimed at treating mental illness…………Click Here To Get More On This Paper!!!!

Question 2: In the evolution of statistical data analysis in the social sciences, the t test became a common method for testing the statistical significance of Mean differences between either independent or related samples. As statistical methods continued to evolve, a more efficient method?the One-way Analysis of Variance?was introduced. The One-way ANOVA has specific strengths and limitations in research studies. Today the more versatile Factorial Analysis of Variance is the most preferred statistical method for investigating group differences (Howell, 2004; Hinkle, Wiersma, and Jurs., 2003). Analyze the techniques of the One-way Analysis of Variance and the Factorial Analysis of Variance in terms of their strengths and limitations as related to the methods? assumptions, the number of variables that the methods can analyze, and the potential for variable interaction analyses and how multiple comparisons can be made between and among groups. Briefly describe a research study that seeks to investigate the influence of Gender, Grade Level (Kindergarten, First and Second Grade) and Method of Instruction in Reading (Site versus Phonics) using a 3-Way Factorial Analysis of Variance. Discuss the study design you would use and the details of the Factorial ANOVA you would use to analyze the data. Use a Reading Comprehension Test as the dependent variable. Describe the levels of each of the three independent variables. Include in your response the Main Effect and Interaction Term hypotheses the study would address. …….

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